Les Homos Préfèrent les Blondes (2007)

Les Homos Préfèrent les Blondes

Watch Les Homos Préfèrent les Blondes

Type: Movie Category: ComedyYear: 2007
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A blonde who prefers homos, two homos who love each other, a homo who would like to be loved, and a straight guy who prefers the blonde ... who prefers homos! Through a modern marivaudage, the authors highlight the upheavals of sexual identity and couple relationships. Because in the end, there is no question here of being straight or being gay, but of loving and being loved! Misunderstandings, ambiguous reports, revelations and twists follow one another in this very current comedy of manners with a frantic pace!

  • Genres: Comedy
  • Language:  French

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