Movies & Series W/ Clifford Kershaw

All Day on the SandsAll Day on the Sands
Scorpion TalesScorpion Tales
Sweeney 2Sweeney 2
Pit StrikePit Strike
The Kiss of DeathThe Kiss of Death
It Shouldn't Happen to a VetIt Shouldn't Happen to a Vet
Bill BrandBill Brand
Three Men in a BoatThree Men in a Boat
The Ash TreeThe Ash Tree
Days of HopeDays of Hope
Wednesday LoveWednesday Love
Early to BedEarly to Bed
Sunset Across the BaySunset Across the Bay
Mrs. Acland's GhostsMrs. Acland's Ghosts
The SweeneyThe Sweeney
Shut DownShut Down
Hard LabourHard Labour
Last of the Summer WineLast of the Summer Wine
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