Movies & Series W/ Jamie Luk Kim-Ming

Once Upon a Time in Triad SocietyOnce Upon a Time in Triad Society
Passion UnboundedPassion Unbounded
No Justice for AllNo Justice for All
Rumble in the BronxRumble in the Bronx
Tears and TriumphTears and Triumph
Bomb Disposal Officer: Baby BombBomb Disposal Officer: Baby Bomb
Fearless MatchFearless Match
The Third Full MoonThe Third Full Moon
Hello! Who Is It?Hello! Who Is It?
Why Wild GirlsWhy Wild Girls
Internal AffairInternal Affair
Bogus CopsBogus Cops
Crazy WomenCrazy Women
C'est la Vie Mon CheriC'est la Vie Mon Cheri
Chez N' HamChez N' Ham
Two of a KindTwo of a Kind
The Tigers: The Legend of CantonThe Tigers: The Legend of Canton
Hero - Beyond the Boundary of TimeHero - Beyond the Boundary of Time
The Killer's LoveThe Killer's Love
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