Movies & Series W/ Georges Méliès

Ali Barbouyou and Ali Bouf, In OilAli Barbouyou and Ali Bouf, In Oil
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The WitchThe Witch
The Mysterious RetortThe Mysterious Retort
The Merry Frolics of SatanThe Merry Frolics of Satan
A Desperate CrimeA Desperate Crime
A Roadside InnA Roadside Inn
The Hilarious PostersThe Hilarious Posters
The Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful AirshipThe Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Airship
Rip's DreamRip's Dream
The Palace of the Arabian NightsThe Palace of the Arabian Nights
A Mesmerian ExperimentA Mesmerian Experiment
The Black ImpThe Black Imp
The Living Playing CardsThe Living Playing Cards
The Christmas AngelThe Christmas Angel
The Wandering JewThe Wandering Jew
The Impossible VoyageThe Impossible Voyage
The MermaidThe Mermaid
The Devilish PlankThe Devilish Plank
The FirefallThe Firefall
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