Movies & Series W/ Anne Francis

The InvadersThe Invaders
Mission: ImpossibleMission: Impossible
The Further Adventures of GallegherThe Further Adventures of Gallegher
The F.b.i.The F.b.i.
Honey WestHoney West
The Satan BugThe Satan Bug
The Man From U.n.c.l.e.The Man From U.n.c.l.e.
Kraft Suspense TheatreKraft Suspense Theatre
Burke's LawBurke's Law
Temple HoustonTemple Houston
The FugitiveThe Fugitive
Arrest and TrialArrest and Trial
Going My WayGoing My Way
The Alfred Hitchcock HourThe Alfred Hitchcock Hour
The VirginianThe Virginian
The New BreedThe New Breed
Ben CaseyBen Casey
Dr. KildareDr. Kildare
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