Movies & Series W/ Charles K. French

Fast and FuriousFast and Furious
Exit SmilingExit Smiling
The Runaway ExpressThe Runaway Express
War PaintWar Paint
The Flaming FrontierThe Flaming Frontier
The RainmakerThe Rainmaker
Under Western SkiesUnder Western Skies
Hands Up!Hands Up!
The Red KimonaThe Red Kimona
Little Annie RooneyLittle Annie Rooney
The Texas TrailThe Texas Trail
Let 'er BuckLet 'er Buck
The Saddle HawkThe Saddle Hawk
The Girl of GoldThe Girl of Gold
Oh, You Tony!Oh, You Tony!
The Sawdust TrailThe Sawdust Trail
Being RespectableBeing Respectable
The Dramatic Life of Abraham LincolnThe Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln
Gentle JuliaGentle Julia
Mile-a-Minute RomeoMile-a-Minute Romeo
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