Movies & Series W/ L. Rogers Lytton

Who Are My Parents?Who Are My Parents?
His Brother's KeeperHis Brother's Keeper
The Third DegreeThe Third Degree
The Belle of New YorkThe Belle of New York
The Forbidden CityThe Forbidden City
The Burden of ProofThe Burden of Proof
Lest We ForgetLest We Forget
The on-the-Square GirlThe on-the-Square Girl
The Message of the MouseThe Message of the Mouse
Phantom FortunesPhantom Fortunes
Salvation JoanSalvation Joan
The Hero of Submarine D-2The Hero of Submarine D-2
The Battle Cry of PeaceThe Battle Cry of Peace
The Fates and Flora FourflushThe Fates and Flora Fourflush
My Official WifeMy Official Wife
Jerry's Mother-in-LawJerry's Mother-in-Law
Delayed ProposalsDelayed Proposals
The Bachelor's Baby, Or How It All HappenedThe Bachelor's Baby, Or How It All Happened
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