Movies & Series W/ House Peters Jr.

The Dakota KidThe Dakota Kid
Blazing BulletsBlazing Bullets
The Adventures of Wild Bill HickokThe Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok
Man From SonoraMan From Sonora
Spoilers of the PlainsSpoilers of the Plains
Gene Autry and the MountiesGene Autry and the Mounties
Border TreasureBorder Treasure
The Gene Autry ShowThe Gene Autry Show
Twilight in the SierrasTwilight in the Sierras
Over the BorderOver the Border
King of the Rocket MenKing of the Rocket Men
Batman and RobinBatman and Robin
Sheriff of WichitaSheriff of Wichita
Outlaw CountryOutlaw Country
Renegades of SonoraRenegades of Sonora
Courtin' TroubleCourtin' Trouble
Gunning for JusticeGunning for Justice
Adventures of Frank and Jesse JamesAdventures of Frank and Jesse James
Desperadoes of Dodge CityDesperadoes of Dodge City
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