Movies & Series W/ Chū Takatsuki

The RevoltThe Revolt
Run Truck Rascal, Run!Run Truck Rascal, Run!
Dead AngleDead Angle
Devil's FluteDevil's Flute
The Tragedy in the Devil-Mask VillageThe Tragedy in the Devil-Mask Village
Doberman CopDoberman Cop
Shinjuku's Number One Drunk-Killer TetsuShinjuku's Number One Drunk-Killer Tetsu
Festival ChampFestival Champ
Dragon PrincessDragon Princess
The Wild TruckerThe Wild Trucker
Deep Throat in TokyoDeep Throat in Tokyo
The Man GangThe Man Gang
Wolf GuyWolf Guy
Graveyard of HonorGraveyard of Honor
Semi-Document: Widow's Boarding HouseSemi-Document: Widow's Boarding House
Violent FraternityViolent Fraternity
Sister Street FighterSister Street Fighter
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Final EpisodeBattles Without Honor and Humanity: Final Episode
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Police TacticsBattles Without Honor and Humanity: Police Tactics
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