Movies & Series W/ Wong Hoi-Yan

When the Sun ShinesWhen the Sun Shines
My Son-in-LawMy Son-in-Law
The Joy of Being SimpleThe Joy of Being Simple
My Father's SonMy Father's Son
Young BeatYoung Beat
A Taste of BachelorhoodA Taste of Bachelorhood
Peking Opera BluesPeking Opera Blues
The Return of Luk Siu FungThe Return of Luk Siu Fung
Happy SpiritHappy Spirit
The Young WandererThe Young Wanderer
Police CadetPolice Cadet
The Prima Donnas of Hong KongThe Prima Donnas of Hong Kong
The Duke of Mount DeerThe Duke of Mount Deer
Father Knows BestFather Knows Best
The SwitchThe Switch
Ladies of the HouseLadies of the House
On TrialOn Trial
A House Is Not a HomeA House Is Not a Home
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