Movies & Series W/ Zhao Yi

Thunder RescueThunder Rescue
Kashi,s BeautyKashi,s Beauty
The Twelfth SecondThe Twelfth Second
Break Through the DarknessBreak Through the Darkness
Cliff WalkersCliff Walkers
Extreme Earthquake ZoneExtreme Earthquake Zone
China in the StoryChina in the Story
My Alien UncleMy Alien Uncle
Flesh and SpiritFlesh and Spirit
Love of AuroraLove of Aurora
Wolf WarriorWolf Warrior
Once Upon a Time in ShanghaiOnce Upon a Time in Shanghai
82 Warriors82 Warriors
Back to 1942Back to 1942
The Karate KidThe Karate Kid
Six Strange Tales of Liao Zhai 2Six Strange Tales of Liao Zhai 2
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