Movies & Series W/ Hashizo Okawa

A Spectacular ShowdownA Spectacular Showdown
Lord Mito 2: The Nation's Vice ShogunLord Mito 2: The Nation's Vice Shogun
Mission to HellMission to Hell
No Stronger SwordsNo Stronger Swords
Happily Tied to the RoadHappily Tied to the Road
The 47 Masterless SamuraiThe 47 Masterless Samurai
Tange Sazen: Mystery of the Twin DragonsTange Sazen: Mystery of the Twin Dragons
Shingo's Original Challenge, Part 1 and 2Shingo's Original Challenge, Part 1 and 2
Fighting DispositionFighting Disposition
Case of a Young Lord 7: Red Crane HouseCase of a Young Lord 7: Red Crane House
The Lost Public FundsThe Lost Public Funds
The EnvoyThe Envoy
Bored Hatamoto: Idle Vassal TributeBored Hatamoto: Idle Vassal Tribute
A Martial CrowdA Martial Crowd
Seven From EdoSeven From Edo
Her Son Came BackHer Son Came Back
Secret of the Golden SpellSecret of the Golden Spell
The Scarlet Cherry LordThe Scarlet Cherry Lord
A Chivalrous SpiritA Chivalrous Spirit
Glorious Standard BearerGlorious Standard Bearer
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