Movies & Series W/ Walter Connolly

Libeled LadyLibeled Lady
The King Steps OutThe King Steps Out
The Music Goes 'roundThe Music Goes 'round
Soak the RichSoak the Rich
White LiesWhite Lies
So Red the RoseSo Red the Rose
One Way TicketOne Way Ticket
She Couldn't Take ItShe Couldn't Take It
Father Brown, DetectiveFather Brown, Detective
Broadway BillBroadway Bill
The Captain Hates the SeaThe Captain Hates the Sea
Lady by ChoiceLady by Choice
Servants' EntranceServants' Entrance
Whom the Gods DestroyWhom the Gods Destroy
Twentieth CenturyTwentieth Century
Once to Every WomanOnce to Every Woman
Hollywood on Parade No. B-1Hollywood on Parade No. B-1
It Happened One NightIt Happened One Night
Eight Girls in a BoatEight Girls in a Boat
East of Fifth AvenueEast of Fifth Avenue
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