Movies & Series W/ Robert Seller

Armchair 47Armchair 47
Let's Make a DreamLet's Make a Dream
My Father Was RightMy Father Was Right
Adventure in ParisAdventure in Paris
L'amant de Madame VidalL'amant de Madame Vidal
Train de PlaisirTrain de Plaisir
Meet Miss MozartMeet Miss Mozart
The Queen and the CardinalThe Queen and the Cardinal
Dora NelsonDora Nelson
Good LuckGood Luck
Paris, Mes AmoursParis, Mes Amours
Gangster Malgré LuiGangster Malgré Lui
Count ObligadoCount Obligado
Âme de ClownÂme de Clown
Chotard and Co.Chotard and Co.
Love and LuckLove and Luck
Bric a Brac and CompanyBric a Brac and Company
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