Movies & Series W/ Jan Shepard

That Certain SummerThat Certain Summer
The RookiesThe Rookies
Then Came BronsonThen Came Bronson
Land of the GiantsLand of the Giants
The High ChaparralThe High Chaparral
Atta Girl, Kelly!Atta Girl, Kelly!
The Doomsday FlightThe Doomsday Flight
Paradise, Hawaiian StyleParadise, Hawaiian Style
The F.b.i.The F.b.i.
Kraft Suspense TheatreKraft Suspense Theatre
The VirginianThe Virginian
Third of a ManThird of a Man
Cain's HundredCain's Hundred
Philip MarlowePhilip Marlowe
Attack of the Giant LeechesAttack of the Giant Leeches
Wichita TownWichita Town
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