Movies & Series W/ Gheorghe Dinică

Doctor PoenaruDoctor Poenaru
Operation 'the Bus'Operation 'the Bus'
The Great SolitaryThe Great Solitary
The PremiereThe Premiere
The PunishmentThe Punishment
Through the Ashes of the EmpireThrough the Ashes of the Empire
Three Days and Three NightsThree Days and Three Nights
The WallThe Wall
The EscapeThe Escape
Postcards With WildflowersPostcards With Wildflowers
We Do Not Film Just for FunWe Do Not Film Just for Fun
Filip the KindFilip the Kind
Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475
The ImmortalsThe Immortals
The Prodigal FatherThe Prodigal Father
The Martens BrothersThe Martens Brothers
A Police Inspector CallsA Police Inspector Calls
Beyond the SandsBeyond the Sands
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