Movies & Series W/ Gloria Gaither

Give the World a SmileGive the World a Smile
Sweeter as the Days Go bySweeter as the Days Go by
Gaither Homecoming Classics Highway to HeavenGaither Homecoming Classics Highway to Heaven
Gaither Gospel Series Tent RevivalGaither Gospel Series Tent Revival
The Old Rugged CrossThe Old Rugged Cross
I'm FreeI'm Free
Rock of AgesRock of Ages
Homecoming PicnicHomecoming Picnic
Lil Gaither: I'll Fly AwayLil Gaither: I'll Fly Away
South African HomecomingSouth African Homecoming
Lil' Gaither: Kids Under ConstructionLil' Gaither: Kids Under Construction
Live From TorontoLive From Toronto
Sunday Meetin' TimeSunday Meetin' Time
Gaither Gospel Series JerusalemGaither Gospel Series Jerusalem
Israel HomecomingIsrael Homecoming
Church in the WildwoodChurch in the Wildwood
A Tribute to Howard and Vestal GoodmanA Tribute to Howard and Vestal Goodman
America the BeautifulAmerica the Beautiful
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