Romance Beyond (1993)

Watch Romance Beyond - Episode 11

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 11
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CHI leads an extravagant life and this puts him in financial difficulties. In order to overcome the problem, he steals CHUNG's programme and sells it to a Malaysian merchant. Before he does it, he tries to see whether CHUNG will cooperate with him or not. CHUNG refuses his suggestion. CHUNG discovers the disk containing the programme of "The City of Dreams" which has been hidden by DONG. He brings it to Or.IQ. Dr. IQ tries to repair it and SALOMI has the chance to come to this world. SALOMI has been instructed to get rid of DONG so she tries to kill DONG with electricity when she meets DONG. However his power is reflected by a large mirror and is hurt. TINA is deceived and is left behind in Shenzhen. She calls KA MAN but she is not there and she turns to PAK TUNG. PAK TUNG rushes to save her and she is impressed.… ...

  • Genres: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
  • Language:  Cantonese

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