Romance Beyond (1993)

Watch Romance Beyond - Episode 18

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 18
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DONG recalls her memory suddenly but she pretends that she still loses her mind as she sees CHUNG with KA MAN and she is not a real human being. TAU seeks help from Dr. IQ and they go to see SALOMI. TAU is disappointed as he finds that DONG's fate has been deter-mined by the programme. SALOMI seduces PAK TUNG and TINA is angry. PAK TUNG wants to follow YAN’s example to have two wives but TINA disagree. PAK TUNG wants to give SALOMI money and drives her away but he is caught. SALOMI threatens Dr. IQ with PAK TUNG' s life as Dr. IQ is trying to modify the end of the story of the programme.

  • Genres: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
  • Language:  Cantonese

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