Romance Beyond (1993)

Watch Romance Beyond - Episode 2

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 2
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DONG meets TAU who has come out from the computer. They know that if SALOMI comes to the world, it will be hazardous. Therefore they determine to prevent it from happening. DONG knows that SALOMI is created by CHUNG, so she entangles him, leaving him no time to rewrite SALOMI. However she is driven away by him. DONG turns herself invisible and goes into CHUNG's house to interrupt his work. CHUNG thinks that his house is haunted. At last DONG appears in front of him, claiming to be one running away from home. CHUNG agrees to have her stay in his house. CHUNG brings his drafts to the meeting and DONG has exchanged it. He is being laughed at by his opponent GORDON and PETER. TUNG burns CHUNG" s drafts as he wants to drive spirits away from CHUNG’s house CHUNG thinks that DONG has done it and expels her. At Iast TUNG tells him want has happened and CHUNG accepts DONG again.

  • Genres: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
  • Language:  Cantonese

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