Romance Beyond (1993)

Watch Romance Beyond - Episode 9

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 9
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CHI is good at playing love games and at last MAN is trapped by him though she knows his behavior . TUNG and TINA still care each other but they do not want to make apology first. TINA and TUNG argue again after she has settled down. TINA wants MAN to marry CHI while TUNG prefers to have CHUNG as his son-in-law. It is no more challenging after MAN has fallen in love with CHI and CHI does not want anyone to control him. Moreover he does not want his family to push him so much, so he loses his interest on MAN. CHI meets DONG in a ball and after communication; he is touched by her naive character. His own character is changed too.

  • Genres: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
  • Language:  Cantonese

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