A Case of Misadventure (2002)

A Case of Misadventure

Watch A Case of Misadventure - Episode 19

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 19
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Even though HEI has a proud family history, he is now in jail. SHIN and FUEN visit him at prison to analyse the situation for their investigation. And, they all believe that the murder weapon is very special and has plenty of reason to assume that it belongs to the killer. As they know that SHING is an antique collector; hence, they seek for his advice. However, the reply of SHING is very disappointed. A dramatic change of relationship has created nothing, but hatred in the heart of YOYO. She smashes HEI harshly when she meets him. Although LUNG understands her feelings, he disagrees with her manner. Nevertheless, he is also tolerating the bad habits of YOYO just because of love. YOYO catches his meaning and apologizes to him immediately. In order to destroy the evidence, SHING tries to burn the statue; but, he causes a fire carelessly. To rescue SHING, LUNG enters the fire scene and discovers the statue by accident……

  • Genres: 
  • Language:  Cantonese

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