Psychopathes : Ils Sont Parmi Nous (2021)

Psychopathes : Ils sont parmi nous

Watch Psychopathes : Ils sont parmi nous

Type : TV Show Seasons: 1
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The documentary series raises awareness of the threat posed by the psychopaths who live among us. Experts will explore the personality traits of psychopaths, who make up 1% of the population. The vast majority are at large. At the same time, the series uses powerful victim testimonies and striking archival footage to trace the journeys of three notorious psychopathic criminals who have left their mark on Québec’s collective consciousness: Paulo Shaker, Earl Jones and William Fyfe. The series will also look at whether psychopathic personality disorder is reversible or permanent, given that rehabilitation is at the heart of the philosophy of Canada’s judicial system.

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Language:  French

Cast & Crew

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