Chopped (2009)

Watch Chopped - Hot Dog Hot Shots

Type : Episode Season: 40Episode: 4
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Four talented chefs work to stay focused and stay sharp in this competition. They're surprised by a strange hot dog creation in the first basket, but they push on with some delicious results. The entree basket contains a can of something that's not usually used in gourmet cuisine, and the two determined competitors who move onto the dessert round get to make final dishes using a yummy cake and a Japanese drink.

  • Genres: Reality
  • Language:  English

Cast & Crew

  • Cast:Ted Allen
  • Creator: Michael Krupat, Dave Noll, Linda Lea
  • Producer: Noah Odabashian, Amy Stanford, Janet Pirchio, Sarah Douglass, Kate Kenny, Nassdja Valentin, Beth Paholak, Laurie Benner

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