Dear X Who Doesn't Love Me (2022)

Dear X Who Doesn't Love Me

Watch Dear X Who Doesn't Love Me

Type : TV Show Seasons: 1
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Hee-soo finds out that her crush is dating a freshman. After drinking her sorrows away with her best friend Si-ho, a lyrics note that Hee-soo has never seen before catches her eyes. She opens it and writes down a love lyric inspired by her crush. The next day, Hee-soo finds out that the lyrics she wrote on how and when she wants to be asked out become true in a real life. Despite some drawbacks of the note, will Hee-soo use the note till the end enjoying the joy of dating her lovers or will Si-ho, the only one to know about the note, stop her?

  • Genres: Drama
  • Language:  Korean

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