Sockbaby (2004)

Watch Sockbaby - Sockb4by

Type : Episode Season: 3Episode: 1
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Ronnie Cordova is drinking margaritas poolside when a gang of Frogmen attack him. He defeats dozens of the frogmen intruders and comes face to face with the Frogmen's leader (Jon Heder) after he emerges from Cordova's pool and births a doppelgänger (Dan Heder, in a parody of The Manitou),The Manitou Frogmen knock Cordova into the pool and mock him by telling him they have killed his master, but Cordova replies that it was only his master's clone. The Frogmen nearly drown Cordova, but he is saved when Doug Jones (played by himself) impales both frogmen with wooden stakes.

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Cast & Crew

  • Cast:
  • Creator: Doug TenNapel
  • Producer:

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