The Kenny Everett Video Show (1978)

The Kenny Everett Video Show

Watch The Kenny Everett Video Show - Levinsky / Sinclair / Kate Bush / Thin Lizzy

Type : Episode Season: 2Episode: 3
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* Before title sequence: Billy the Dancing Bucket: Opening speech * Your television speaking: Button marked, "Idiot", variation #2 * Ken with TVs and hanging Cliff Richard: 27! Correct! * Hot Gossip: "Contact" (by Edwin Starr) * French Marcel Wave: Dressing room next to one of Hot Gossip girls * Ken as a baby in a buggy: Cellophane nappy * Captain Kremmen [S02e03p01]: Relaxatron * Ken with two Hot Gossip girls in a set: Lord Thames' personal shower complex (intro for next song) * Levinsky/Sinclair, "Only Feel this Way" * Ken with TVs: Ken's mouth water * Ken without set: Time for a break, Variation "Body parts" * End of Part One * Tuned to the Kenny Everett Video Show: Amen, Variation "Logo" * Ken without set: Billy the Dancing Bucket * Sid Snot: Ballet * Bowls, Video vault: Marilyn Monroe in her first commercial *

  • Genres: Comedy
  • Language:  English

Cast & Crew

  • Cast:Kenny Everett
  • Creator:
  • Producer: David Mallet, Kenny Everett, Barry Cryer, Ray Cameron

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