Road Rules (1995)

Watch Road Rules - Leap Of Faith

Type : Episode Season: 13Episode: 8
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The Roadies go out to party and Kina and Jodi meet a British babe named Boris. Kina complains that Jodi originally said she wasn't interested in Boris and then a few minutes later Jodi was hugging up on him on the dance floor. Kina is not pleased. Ibis tells it like it is, ""When Jodi has drinks in her; she becomes a slut."" Later in the RV, Jodi tries to smooth things over, but Kina doesnt quite buy it. The Roadies will be divided into three teams for their next mission, titled ""Leap of Faith."" Each team will board a helicopter and be transported to somewhere in the lake where they will see three diamond targets. They must jump into one of the diamonds (the smallest is worth five points and the largest is worth one). Each team will jump twice. The first jump, one of the Roadies must jump blindfolded. His or her teammate must tell him when to jump. During the second jump, the roles will be reversed. At the end of the mission they must have accumulated a total of 40 points. Jodi makes th

  • Genres: Reality
  • Language:  English

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