The Rippling Blossom (2011)

The Rippling Blossom

Watch The Rippling Blossom - Episode 12

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 12
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KEUNG comes out to speak for YING eloquently and LAI becomes speechless. HIU is shocked that Yuet Long Sa’s name has changed and he swears that he will get it back. After kicking away LAI, both KEUNG and Yee Sushi become very famous and many reporters come to interview KEUNG. KEUNG decides to become a food critic and she starts writing for a Japanese magazine. People from different places start to pay attention to Yee Sushi and some food critics from a famous international food magazine are coming to try their sushi as well. HIU tries to use his right hand again without letting everybody know but an old customer comments that his is not as skillful as YING. HIU is very upset and he doesn’t want YING to succeed. When the food critics from the international food magazine arrive, HIU deliberately prepares bad quality tea and this affects the critics’ general impression on the shop……

  • Genres: Drama
  • Language:  Cantonese

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