Ghetto Justice (2011)

Watch Ghetto Justice - Episode 2

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 2
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SUM and SZ-FU chill out at a bar. SUM thinks AH is as outstanding as he was in his prime, yet SZ-FU does not think so. AH is chatting with his neighbors when a woman falls from a building. GAN claims he has killed the woman. HA and GEORGE accompany him to the police station. GAN says when he is giving a statement that he killed SHEUNG CHAU-PING as requested by MA CHEUK YEE-TAK, the wife of his boss. After visiting PING’s younger brother, CHUN-SANG, at his shop, AH and GEROGE conclude that the case is not as simple as it seems. TAK is surrounded by reporters. SZ-FU appears suddenly and reprimands the reporters. TAK is very grateful to her help and decides to hire SZ-FU as her representing lawyer. KAN is being kept in a detention center. AH and GEORGE visit him. AH is puzzled why GAN has to defend TAK. KING quarrels with her neighbors, who are of the view that SZ-FU should not help TAK.

  • Genres: Drama, Comedy
  • Language:  Cantonese

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