King of the Braves Gaogaigar Final (2000)

King of the Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL

Watch King of the Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL - Gods of Destruction! Decisive Battle in the Storm!

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 2
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Upon the appearance of Mamoru, he then stole one of the Q-Parts as he collects the rest of them, either by guile or by force, and assembles them into their full form, a matter replication device known as the Pas-Q Machine. In the process, Papillon is killed, and Guy takes off after Mamoru. The encounter ends in a battle between GaoFighGar and a copy of GaoGaiGar using Mamoru and a copy of Galeon as the core component. The battle ends in Guy's victory, and both Mamoru and Galeon are revealed to be replicants that dissolve into sand. The machine is promptly taken by a mysterious man with butterfly wings, and GGG prepares to take after him into space

  • Genres: Action & Adventure, Animation
  • Language:  Japanese

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