Sesame Street (1969)

Sesame Street

"Kindness is in the air."

Watch Sesame Street - Tribute to Number Seven

Type : Episode Season: 40Episode: 23
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Today is the number seven day on Sesame Street! Rosita, Abby, and Zoe begin singing about the number seven as they count seven dancing chickens. Next, Maria does the number seven rumba. As the seven celebration continues, a sniffling letter “S” arrives. He is sad because he can’t think of anything to do to help celebrate the number seven. Abby and Zoe get an idea! What if the letter “S” finds seven words that begin with the letter “S?” Abby, Zoe, and the letter “S” search for seven “S” words, and then sing a song about the words. Afterward, Abby performs number seven magic. Abby makes the number seven rise out of Elmo’s hat, seven butterflies appear out of Elmo’s ear, and—oh no! Seven Elmos appear instead of seven pumpkins! Luckily, Abby turns seven Elmos back into one Elmo, and tries her magic trick again. She succeeds! Abby turns one pumpkin into seven pumpkins. Hooray! It is an amazingly, awesome, super terrific, seven celebration!

  • Genres: Kids, Comedy
  • Language:  English

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