Explorer (1985)

Watch Explorer - The Ultimate Crocodile

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 2
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Join National Geographic as they travel to the wilds of Africa to track the Nile crocodile, one of Earth's deadliest and most feared killers. The Nile crocodile is an ancient species-it has haunted Africa's waters since the age of dinosaurs. Yet in over 60 million years, this stealthy creature has changed little. A croc in its prime can reach 18 feet in length or longer, and weigh nearly a ton. It can lunge several feet in the blink of an eye and subdue prey as large as a buffalo. Once nearly decimated by hunters, these mighty giant crocodiles are making an amazing comeback. In a land where lions rule the savannah, Nile crocodiles are now reclaiming the rivers.

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Language:  English

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