Mayberry R.f.d. (1968)

Watch Mayberry R.F.D. - Sam Gets a Ticket

Type : Episode Season: 1Episode: 10
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Mike comes home late because he got into trouble at school. The teacher thought he was peeking at a girl's answers, but he was just borrowing an eraser. He is almost done writing "I will not peak" 100 times on the board and has to finish it the next day. Sam thinks Mike should assert himself and tell the teacher he did nothing wrong. Sam drives Aunt Bee to Mount Pilot and is stopped by Officer George Hopkins. The Officer says Sam didn't signal when making a turn. Aunt Bee insists that Sam did make the signal, but Sam gets a ticket anyway. Aunt Bee tells Sam to fight it in court, but Sam would just as soon pay the ticket. Back at home, Mike reminds Sam of what he told him. In court, Officer Hopkins presents his side of the story. Aunt Bee testifies and then Goober gets up and says that the electrical system in Sam's car is working perfectly. Sam is then questioned by Prosecutor McComb and is found guilty by the Judge. But something Sam later realizes gets the Judge to change his mind.

  • Genres: Comedy, Family
  • Language:  English

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