Alexandra Winkler lives in a working-class district of Vienna, is employed in a bread factory and is saving for her dream: her own bakery! When the 23-year-old orphan learns that she is the illegitimate daughter of a deceased landlord and that he inherits the Hochstetten Trakehner Stud from him, it all seems like a dream - from which she will soon wake up roughly. Your half-siblings Maximilian, Silvia and Leander can hardly believe that they were passed over when it came to the filet of the family inheritance ...
- Genres: Drama, Family
- Language:  German
Cast & Crew
- Cast:Julia Franz Richter , Christoph Luser , Laurence Rupp , Patricia Aulitzky , Michou Friesz , Jeanette Hain , Aaron Karl , Brigitte Kren
- Creator:
- Producer: Andreas Herzog