Mint to Be (2018)

Watch Mint To Be - Season 1

Type : Season Season: 1
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A flood could hit Bangkok, so, to avoid problems, BB and Bambam are sent by their mother, who is about to leave for New Zealand, to live with their grandmother in the countryside, like when they where kids. When BB meets Mint, her ex boyfriend when she was a teenager, she finds him very grown up; former motorpunk in the past, he is now fully dedicated to his garden. Also BB changed through the years; she's now a famous net idol and she denies the time when she was a rebel teenager. Despite having a boyfriend, the closeness with Mint leads her to reconsider her feelings. At the same time, Bambam meets again Beau, a childhood friend who has always had a secret crush for her.

  • Genres: 
  • Language:  Thai

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