The eighth installment in the popular film series starring Tomisaburo Wakayama. Embarrassed by the chairman of the Seiyu-kai for not having a family crest, Seikichi Shimamura sets out with his henchmen on a journey to acquire the crest of a local bankrupt family. The local Iwahashi clan and the fishermen fought over the construction of the industrial complex, but when Seikichi learned that the Seiyu-kai was behind the Iwahashi clan, he sided with the fishermen...
Cast & Crew
- Tomisaburō Wakayama , Bunta Sugawara , Junko Matsudaira , Toshiaki Minami , Kyōichi Satō , Masaru Shiga , Katsutoshi Akiyama , Kenji Ikeda
- Shigehiro Ozawa