An animated series produced by Guangzhou Blue Arc Culture Communication Co. It is directed by Wang Wei. Now has produced two animation and a live-action web series.
Parallel Universe
Master Xuanyi
Lion King Ultra Beast
Call of Duty
Resurrection of Pluto
Mission Reincarnation
Second Parallel Universe
Scorpion King Ultra Beast
Hot Blood Mingling
Past is Smoke
Ultra Beast God Duo
Third Parallel Universe
Tai Lei Secrets
Whale Shark Ultra Beast
Rebirth of Phoenix
Ultra Beast God Triad
Pangolin Ultra Beast
Golden Elephant Ultra Beast
Cloudbats Battle Team
Super Beast God Quadruplet
Fourth Parallel Universe
Fair Duel
Fatal Threat
Meta Space
Giant Energy Cloudbats Formation
Journey of the Strong
Realm of the Underworld
Good vs. Evil
Drifting Life
Decisive Battle
Return of Pluto