""Fiddler on the Loose"" hosted by Jack Benny Comedy: --Jack Benny, Michael Rabin, Morey Amsterdam and Henny Youngman as a quartet playing a Beethoven minuet. --Jack Benny plays ""The Bee"" on fiddle accompanied by the Peter Matz orchestra. --Liberace and Jack Benny do a duet: ""When a Gypsy Makes His Violin Cry"" Music: --Blues Magoos - ""Tobacco Road"" --Liberace - ""Moonlight Sonata"" & ""How Insensitive"" --Astrud Gilberto - ""Misty Roses"" --Michael Rabin (violinist) - Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto NBC repeated this show on April 14, 1971.
- English
Cast & Crew
- Carroll Moore, Norman Barasch, Tony Webster, Dwight Hemion, Bob Ellison, Marty Farrell, Gary Smith, Danny Simon