Dan gives Pat and Owen some terrible, adorable news.
What really goes on in CollegeHumor offices may surprise you, unless you're already familiar with unprofessional, inappropriate slackoffs getting nothing done.
Average Night Out
Five Fingers of Death
Bathroom Numbers
Bane Mugs
Porky Piggin’ It
Yoga Teachers
Lady Macbething
Adult Outbreak
The Billy Crystal
Fraggle Rock
Pooping without Your Phone
Zero Dark Thirty Bros
School Spirit
What Every Prank Show Basically Is
Script Meeting
Standing Desk
Fasting Contest (with Ben Schwartz)
The True Horrors of a World without Blockbuster
She’s Such a Butterphone
The Guy Who Has Never Seen or Heard of Anything
This Is the Worst EMT Trainer Ever
Should We Do a Bitcoin Sketch?
He’s Such a McConaughey
The Social Consequences of Everything
Pat Cassels vs. Mark Zuckerberg
The Guy Who Likes Every Sports Team
The Guy Who’s Never Seen Game of Thrones
The Gun Control Debate Told through Nerf Guns
Fart Martyr