Coming out can be crazy, but clearly not as crazy as shirts.
What really goes on in CollegeHumor offices may surprise you, unless you're already familiar with unprofessional, inappropriate slackoffs getting nothing done.
Why Can’t You Watch Netflix at Work?
Don’t Look at the Comments
If Couples Acted Like They Do on Facebook
The Guy Who Always Talks about Hot Girls
The Guy Who Finishes Your Sentences
Other Ways to Say “Netflix and Chill”
I Love Fall More than You
What Happens When You Become an Aunt
When Coming Out Goes Better Than You Thought
My Box of Bullshit Came!
Everyone Is Waiting to Talk about Themselves
I Wore Make-Up for a Week
The Guy Who Won’t Stop Talking about Jar Jar Banks
Why Am I Checking Facebook Again?
If People Were Sentimental Like They Are on Facebook
I Want to Believe (in a Good X-Files Reboot)
The New Guy Is Totally on the Spectrum
Don’t Pay Your Student Loans
The Social Media Version of Your Ex-Girlfriend
How Does the Holy Trinity Poop?
Yellderly: Young People Who Complain Like They’re Old
Where the Weirdest Internet Links Come From
Birth Control Methods Keep Getting Weirder
This True Crime Documentary Will Make Me Famous
The C-Word, but for Men
I Didn’t Eat Bread Once
Best Friends in Rom Coms Are All Alcoholics
The Guy Who Deflects Compliments
How to Hide You’re out of Shape
Why You Can’t Think of the Perfect Comeback