The story begins with amusing attempts of twelfth-grader, Kunal, to woo his classmate, Tara. Kunal finally manages to propose to Tara and their love story begins. After his schooling, Kunal leaves Indore and moves to Mumbai to join a Naval College. Soon his sober life turns upside-down when Tara dumps him for someone else. In no time, Kunal turns into an alcoholic and chain smoker, and without taking admission in the naval college, he moves to a weird rundown room in Darukhana, spending days doing nothing but drinking, smoking, and missing Tara.
- Drama, Comedy
- Hindi
Cast & Crew
- Ritwik Sahore , Vedika Bhandari , Aashay Kulkarni , Dheer Hira , Donna Munshi , Tithi Raaj , Meera Joshi
- Samit Kakkad
- Kunal Marathe, Durgesh Ashok Gupta, Gautam Talwar