Following on from the hugely popular Out of Town, Old Country saw Jack Hargreaves continue his exploration of rural life in Thomas Hardy country - reflecting on its character, traditions, history and...
Walking Sticks / Hurdle Maker
Mayfly Trout / Todber Stone
Stow Fair / Flat Cart
Garden / Cut Mill
Harnessing a Horse / Decent Dog
Sheepfair / Dabchick
Fishing Rod / Morey's Lake
Tarrant Valley / Circus
Lurchers - Rabbiting
Cutting up a Pig
Downland - Cattle Breeds
Trolley Drive - Fiddleford Mill
Pony Drift - Goats
Brittany Spaniels
Driving - Bygones
Steam Plough - Terrier Show
Pigeon - Sturminster Mill
Thatching Reed - Hound Show
Pack Pony - Turk's Pond
With his extensive experience, knowledge and love of the countryside, Jack Hargreaves' easy going presentation style enthralled both rural and urban viewers alike, making this series for television.
Unseen since its Channel 4 broadcast in the 1980's, Old Country contained all new material and the only time that Jack Hargreaves' work received a countrywide network screening.