The story of BIMA Satria Garuda begins in the Dunia Paralel ("Parallel World"),a world which is ruled by VUDO Empire and is on the verge of collapse. The Parallel World is a world that lives in perpe...
The story of Satria Garuda BIMA-X starts after the First Season, which tells the story of Dunia Paralel ("Parallel World") ruled by the Kingdom of VUDO, and the failed effort of its evil ruler, Rasput...
Return of The Garuda Knights
Hurry! Save the Earth from the Eruption Disaster
The Quest for the Blue PowerStone
The Rise of Wind BIMA-X
The Ghost Ship Appears!
The Start of Shadow Crisis' Plans
Starving Monster Searching for Prey
Flame Powered Chef, Keep on Fighting!
A Sleep Deprived Hero
Revealing Ricca's Mystery!
Scarlet Bintang Mission
Trimming a Pesky Flower
A Television Star's Secret
Reverberate! Earth Power Stone
Saving The Green Earth
Power Stones' Retaliation
Ricca's Assassination Order!
Thawing A Cold Heart!
The Searched Power Stone, The Ghost Monster Army Appears!!
The Horrifying Phantom Weapon
The New Satria Called Torga!
Torga's Identity
Those Who Protect and Those Who Are Protected
The Race for The Last Power Stone
The Unseen Power... Purple BIMA-X!
A Distraction for Torga!
The White Power Stone's Determination
Reza In Grave Danger!! Rasputin's Revenge
Satria Universe's Secret
Rescuing Torga from the Dark Limbo
The Birth of Super Kranion!!
Holding Firm the Promise of Victory
Rexor's Secret Maneuver
The Iron Mask's Identity
Freaking Teacher
The True Power of Master's Teaching
New Strategy of Iron Mask
The Decisive Fight at Satria World
The Earth with a Dark Power
The Reunion of a Separated Family
Reza's Fight in Paralel World
Suspicious Rena
Returning Rena
VUDO's Dangerous Attack
The Pride of Lady Mossa
Emergence of a New World
Assault on the Black Lord's Palace
Torga's Dual Determination
The Final Battle Against the Black Lord
The New Fight For Peace