Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
- Soap
- Portuguese
Cast & Crew
- Dill Costa , Fabiano Miranda , John Herbert , Daniela Pessoa , Luigi Baricelli , André Marques , Cláudio Heinrich , Camila Pitanga
- Andréa Maltarolli, Emanuel Jacobina
- Carlos Lombardi, Carlos Gregório, José de Carvalho, Teresa Frota, Reynaldo Boury, André Schultz, Filipe Miguez, Paulo Silvestrini