The story revolves around ill-fated Miriam who is forced to stop her education and then married off to a gangster called Hassan. Hassan is an abusive man who intends to sell her in exchange for money. Fortunately, she is saved by a dancer named Wan Katijah and is offered a job as a cabaret dancer. While being there, a senior dancer named Puteh did not welcome Miriam and is determined to make things difficult for her.
- Malay
Cast & Crew
- Nurul Aini , Farhana M Noor , Hisyam Hamid , Jeff Catz , Sheiryn Aisiqa , Wahyu Rahman , Rafaat Hamzah , Zainol MacWilson
- Azizah A Malik, Azroy Sultan, Suhaimi Jais, Hamed Ismail