Watch Team Muhafiz
Type : TV Show Seasons: 1Details
“Team Muhafiz” is an animated series, produced by ISPR and Geo Productions in association with AZ Corp. The story of Team Muhafiz revolves around normal human beings with no superpowers and animated thriller. The story will highlight the social issues, particularly the good and bad things in our society. The topics highlighted by “Team Myhafiz” are extortion, street crime, drug abuse, human trafficking, timber mafia, child labour and a lot more.
- Animation, Action & Adventure, Kids
- Urdu
Cast & Crew
- Adeel Khaan , Sajal Ali , Ahsan Khan , Nayyar Ejaz , Dananeer Mobeen , Shafaat Ali , Wahaj Ali , Nimra Rafiq
- Imran Azhar