Gor, a powerful criminal from the planet Arous who takes the shape of a disembodied human brain, assumes the body of scientist Steve March, played with gusto by John Agar. What follows is the schlocky sci-fi classic The Brain From Planet Arous! Available exclusively at Dumb Video, The Mads Are Back: The Brain From Planet Arous finds Trace Beaulieu & Frank Conniff live-riffing over the entire film during the livestream event hosted by Chris Gersbeck and featuring a post-film Q&A with comedian Dana Gould! Recorded live November 17, 2020.
- Comedy
- English
Cast & Crew
- Chris Gersbeck , Frank Conniff , Trace Beaulieu
- Trace Beaulieu, Frank Conniff
- Frank Conniff, Trace Beaulieu, Chris Gersbeck