Maynard and a chimp get launched into space.
Who Needs Elvis?
You Ain't Nothin' But a Houn' Dog
Baby Talk
Dobie Goes Beatnik
The Mystic Powers of Maynard G. Krebs
The Face That Stopped the Clock
Maynard G. Krebs: Boy Millionaire
Around My Room in 80 Days
Drag Strip Dobie
Jangle Bells
Parlez-Vous English
The Day the Teachers Disappeared
What's My Lion?
The Big Question
Have You Stopped Beating Your Wife?
The Bitter Feud of Dobie and Maynard
Zelda, Get Off My Back
I Was a High School Scrooge
Will Success Spoil Dobie's Mother?
The Second Childhood of Herbert T. Gillis
Dobie Versus the Machine
Baby Shoes
I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier, Sailor, or Marine
The Chicken Corporal
The Solid Gold Dog Tag
The Battle of Maynard's Beard
Like Mother, Like Daughter, Like Wow
Dobie Plays Cupid
Like Father, Like Son, Like Trouble
Be It Ever So Humble
Aah, Yer Fadder Wears Army Shoes
Everything But the Truth
Goodbye Mister Pomfritt, Hello Mr. Chips
Take Me to Your Leader
This Ain't The Way We Used to Do It