Junglist and Kapowski play Dawn of War: Dark Crusade. Plus a Battlefield 2 Masterclass.
Saints Row | Ep 1
Wii Preview | Ep 2
LEGO Star Wars & Supreme Commander | Ep 3
Dystopia | Ep 4
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade | Ep 5
Guitar Hero II and Splinter Cell: Double Agent | Ep 6
Neverwinter Nights 2 and Destroy All Humans 2 | Ep 7
Tekken, Dark Messiah & Empire At War | Ep 8
Sim 2 Pets and Singstar Legends | Ep 9
Spyro and Guitar Hero 2 | Ep 10
Gears of War and Call of Juarez | Ep 11
Viva PiƱata, Need for Speed: Carbon, & The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess | Ep 12
Christmas Special | Ep 13